Fire Extinguishers
A fire in any building is a frightening prospect; it can start, catch and take hold with amazing speed.
So it really is important that you have the right type of extinguisher – placed in the right location – to quickly tackle a small fire before it becomes something more.
We can help and advise on new extinguishers, what type you need (see PDF) and where and how many you should have. We can maintain your existing extinguishers, servicing them for you once a year – keeping you safe and compliant with all current legislation.
Let us help you keep your work environment safe.
Of course it is also important to be sure you have the right type of fire extinguisher for your possible type of fire. An example guide is below (correct at time of publish).
Colour = Red Type = Wood, Cloth, Paper, Some plastics, Coal, People, Fires involving solids
Dangers = Not to be used on burning fat or oil or on Electrical Appliances
Dry Powder
Colour = Blue Type = Wood, Cloth, Paper, Plastics, Liquids such as grease, fats, oil, paint, petrol.
Dangers = Not particularly successful with electrical fires
Spray Foam
Colour = White/Cream Type = Wood, Cloth, Paper, Some Liquids
Dangers = Not to be used on burning fat or oil, or on Electrical Appliances. Not recommended for home use.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Colour = Black Type = Liquids such as grease, fats, oil based paints, petrol, but not chip pan fires, Electrical Fires
Dangers = Not suitable for chip pan fires. Not recommended for home use or confined spaces
Vaporising Liquids
Colour = Green Type = Wood, Cloth, Paper, Plastics, Coal, Electricals, Liquids
Dangers = Not recommended for home use